Travel to Chile

International Conference on Data Science 2023

Time zone converter

Weather in November

  • It is springtime in November in Chile
  • Average max temperature nov2022: 28.3°C
  • Average min temperature nov2022: 10.8°C


Transport and location of the venue

  • Figure 1 shows a map of Santiago. The venue, the Nicanor Parra Library, is in Vergara 324 (lower left corner of the map). 

Figure 1: Map of Santiago

  • The yellow road on the map is the main avenue of Santiago. It is called Alameda Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins in the commune of Santiago and Providencia Street in the commune of Providencia.
  • Along the entire yellow road is the red line of the subway or Metro. Figure 2 shows the map of the Metro subway network.
  • When booking your accommodation, please try to be close to the yellow road or red line of the subway in the Providencia area.
  • You can take the subway (red line) or the bus to attend the conference. Many buses travel from the Providencia area to the University. Subway is fast, comfortable, and secure. Traveling by taxi is a perfect option too. Always take care of your belongings. Transport is
    crowded in the morning.
  • To pay for the subway and bus, you will need a bip! card which you can buy at any subway station. It is enough if you load the card with 10.000 Chilean pesos. You may also charge the card online at click here.

Booking an accommodation

Attendees are responsible for making their own arrangements. Suggestions near the yellow road or red line of the subway in the Providencia area are:

  • Ibis Santiago Providencia
  • Ibis Budget Santiago Providencia
  • Hotel Eurotel Providencia
  • Hotel Presidente
  • Hotel De Blasis & Cowork
  • Park Plaza Santiago
  • Novotel Santiago Providencia
  • Solace Hotel Santiago
  • NH Collection Plaza Santiago
  • Sheraton Santiago Hotel
  • Solace Hotel Santiago

Map of the Metro subway network

There are 3 subway stations close the Universidad Diego Portales and the Nicanor Parra Library: Toesca station (yellow line), and Los Héroes and República stations (red line). From these stations you can get to the University on foot.

Figure 2: Map of the Metro subway network (

Seismic country

Chile is a seismic country, but all Chileans are used to it. If there is a tremor during your stay, always remain calm and listen to the instructions of the University staff. The buildings are super safe. As a precaution, if you are in a building, you should stay away from lights and glass.

More information about Santiago

Travel plan to Chile

Santiago Down Town